RESMAN Energy Technology is a global leader in cutting-edge tracer technologies with the lowest detection limits in the industry at parts per trillion (PPT).

We help our clients in oil and gas, CCUS, geothermal and new energy segments to solve the most fundamental challenge of understanding the fluid movement within the reservoir and the well, directly and with uncontested precision. Focused solely on tracer technology since our inception, RESMAN offers a full spectrum of services for production, reservoir and new energy segments.

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Nearly 40 years






Scientific papers 
in 15 years


Patents granted 

Seeing is Believing

Time-tested RESMAN tracer technology allows our clients to understand the flow without disrupting it. We combine our knowledge of biotechnology, chemistry, physics and petroleum engineering to offer uncontested parts per trillion detection limits and the longest tracer lifespan in the industry.

At RESMAN’s cutting-edge scientific lab, biotech meets oil and gas. We bring medical lab rigor into the oil and gas environment, featuring state-of-the-art technology and meticulously curated teams of experts.

The benefits of tracer technology

The only proof of mass transport

The only way to quantify the movement of fluid (such as oil, gas, water or CO2)

The only direct evidence of flow movements

The highest ROI for the operators

Learn more about our technology solutions.

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Our team boasts some of the most brilliant scientists in the industry. Over 50% of our employees have advanced biotechnology, physics, chemistry and petroleum engineering degrees, combining their academic knowledge with practical experience. We focus on excellence without exception in everything we do.

Learn more about our experts.


With a strong track record in traditional energy sectors, RESMAN is well-positioned to lead the energy transition with unmatched technological precision and accuracy.

Our safe, reliable and efficient tracer technology is an optimal solution for emerging energy segments, bringing a host of environmental benefits.

Learn more about our sustainable new energy solutions.

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Resman Reservoir Technology


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Reliability and Trust

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Environmental Benefits

SuccesS Stories

Learn about our successful projects

First Integrated Inflow Tracer Application in A Long Horizontal Well

Tracer technology is an intervention-free and cost-efficient approach for acquiring early data

Novel Application of Inflow Tracers for Assessing 1 -mD Reservoir

Setting the world record with the deepest deployment of chemical inflow tracers

Combining Tracers, 4D Seismic and Production Data to Understand Reservoir Fluid Dynamics

Inter-well tracer testing offers immediate and unambiguous results

Successfully Implementing a New Class of Inter-Well Chemical Tracers

A field-test of a new class of environmentally friendly partitioning tracers for EOR

Cost-Efficient Offshore Reservoir Management and Monitoring with Tracer Technology

The first co-implementation of inflow and inter-well tracers in offshore Abu Dhabi